Thursday, April 12, 2007

Cheerleaders Prepare for upcoming season

Individuals wanting to tryout for the 2007-2008 Bellarmine Cheerleading squad need to mark their calendars! Tryouts will be held on April 27, 28, and 29th.

Bellarmine Cheerleaders cheer at all of the home basketball games as well as some away basketball games. Practice generally starts when school starts in the fall, though we will go to summer camp this year. A date has not been set for that. We practice twice a week for 2 ½ hours as well as extra conditioning in the fall before basketball season starts. The cheerleaders also do some community service-judging various cheerleading tryouts and competitions throughout the community.

They are expected to be role models and be good representatives of Bellarmine University. Currently, we are not a competition squad, however this is not to say that we wouldn’t in the future.

The requirements to make the team are as follows:

**Excellent Jumps-will have demonstrate at tryouts a toe-touch and then another jump of choice.

**Previous stunting ability, whether it be as a base or a flyer.

**At the tryouts, you will be taught the fight song, as well as another band dance and a cheer. Motions and technique while performing these will be judged and scored.

**Tumbling is required. You will have to show a standing back-handspring and a running round-off backhandspring to make the team. Any other tumbling ability is a bonus.

The tryouts material will be taught on April 27 and 28 and then the actual tryout will be on April 29th. If you are unable to attend the tryouts, a private tryout or a tape submission showing your cheerleading ability can be arranged.

Click here for your try-out information form.

If you have any questions, please contact the following people! We look forward to seeing you at tryouts!

Katie Curran:
Kristin Klein:
Crystal Early:
Tiffany Simpson:

You can also check the squad out on their
BU athletics webpage, or on their group BU's finest the Cheerleaders.

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