Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Get healthy at BU

Calling all BU students, it’s spring and it’s time to get healthy. Getting healthy and staying healthy on campus isn’t as hard as some may think.

You are in your late teens, early twenty’s and having the time of your life, you are at your prime, on your way to success. You are on top of all the latest news, style, and in the best shape of your life. Or are you?

What you are about to read may astonish you, but the majority of American
college students are just like the rest of the United States population overweight, and unhealthy. So where does Bellarmine students fall into that category? Are you healthy?

On a campus where many students think the majority of the student body is athletes. One would think the student body is very healthy and in tip top shape.

According to Athletics Director Scott Weigandt only a quarter of incoming freshman classes are athletes. The majority of campus may be involved in some sort of activity but we are not all athletes. For students that aren’t athletes there are ways of being and staying healthy.

Bellarmine’s Campus are we healthy or not?
How does BU rank against other colleges on the health scale?

Bellarmine may be smaller in campus size and student body numbers but BU has just as much as those other university’s. We have the SURF, intramurals, various choices of athletics to get involved in, and numerous student activities. Just see for your self and click on healthy involvement to see all the activities BU has to offer.

If you still are not convinced click on following links to compare Bellarmine to
University of Louisville,University of Kentucky, Spalding University, Spencerian College, and Jefferson Community College on how much they offer.

Weigandt, commented that he feels his athletes are in good physical shape for the most part, “but there is always room for improvement.” Most people can agree they feel comfortable with their health but they could do more.

I asked sophomore Ian Tracy a Physical Therapy major, and sophomore Jason Schreck a Psychology major about being healthy, and what they thought contributes to a healthy college student. “[Am, I healthy?]No, but by its choice, bad food tastes good.” said Schreck

What is something that would compel you to get healthier? “[To have the] will to work out.” said Tracy

Both Tracy and Schreck said they were once involved in intramurals but lost interested. “Yeah, dodge ball, maybe volleyball, I can’t really remember.” said Schreck

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